A Blog…Really?

“A blog,” they said. “You really should have a blog. And post at least once a week.” Really? Me? Write a blog? I just couldn’t see myself writing a blog. I mean, I don’t think I have anything to say that people would want to read. So I just kept the idea percolating in the back of my brain, not really taking it seriously. I have too many other things going on in my life right now, not to mention that my co-author and I are [thisclose] to publishing our first book. I asked myself the question again. Why should I blog? Then it hit me. The answer was so simple and easy, just two words.” For Me!!”

I supposed that sounds…self centered. What do I hope to accomplish by writing a blog? Is it to “win friends and influence people?” I’m not some great social activist or think I can change the world with my opinions. No, my goal is to write…and write…and write some more. It’s about practicing the art of writing, gaining some discipline, improving myself, finding my voice. And if I’m lucky, there are folks out there who will decide to follow my foray in blogging and that would be wonderful!!

If you decide to come along for the journey….Welcome! The Ranch is always open!


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